Monday, February 4, 2013

5 Rules to Better Your Life

Warning – Some Viewers May Find This Content Offensive – View Discretion is Advised

Every so often one comes across proverbial wisdom. Such wisdom will better one’s existence, and comes in an easy to remember form. Sometimes these sayings come passed down through generations, other times they are attributed to divine revelation. This was NOT one of those occasions.

 Prior to Christmas, I happened across 5 rules, each corresponding to a finger. Since learning these rules, and committing them to memory, my life has been revolutionized. They are not “rules” in the hard-and-fast way, I do not want to be condemned as a legalist. If one wants to consider them general guidelines, it would be well within his or her prerogative to do so. These rules came to me via my brother. He had been  gifted the rules by a lady in a backcountry ski hut near Pemberton (as far as I am concerned she is a guru of unimaginable wisdom).

I shared these rules with some friends the other week while drinking the nectar of the gods (BEER). Since then these friends have asked for “refresher” courses in the 5 rules. As a result, I like any good historian want to systematize them, interpret them, and record them for the benefit of future generations. It is my hope they will be widely disseminated and will bring about the Utopia we all long for.

As Sir Francis Bacon (which is the name of my skis, as well as a notable historical character) said, “Knowledge is Power.” After which I also consider the Derridaian critique of power. Thus, I have concluded that it is best for me to disseminate this power (the 5 rules), rather than hoarding. This is not entirely altruistic as you now are gifted the power, and must face the same existential dilemma of what to do with it! To hoard, or re-gift. That is the question.

Without further ado, the five rules:

Have a good fucking time! - Thumbs High
-          Self-explanatory (as are most of the rules). Don’t gripe, don’t moan, get out there and have a good time. Carpe diem! This rule works extremely well at the top of a ski run as a “send-off.” I am sure you can find appropriate contextualization for your own circumstances.

Point out cool shit! - Pointer: YOU, Ya YOU 
-          This is by far my favourite! We are so swamped by media, images in general, spectacular vistas, and altogether ridiculously awesome things that we have become numb to the wonder of it all. Rule 2 helps reignite wonder. While skiing I am now more likely to point out a cool tree, a great view, some awesome trick some random person did, or even an atrocious 1970’s ski suit. The great part is this rule encourages you to go through life together with people. Let them in on what you are thinking/seeing because no one is processing the same circumstances the same way.

Fuck the haters! - Put it in the air like you just don’t care
-          Probably the most offensive of the rules, Rule 3 issues the challenge to live lightly, to let things go, to not live the rest of your day/life with a chip on your shoulder that will negatively affect every subsequent experience.

Commit! - For all you single ladies
-          Not only having to do with relationships, Rule 4 challenges our “maybe” Facebook culture. Don’t float through life never having any drive, find that little bit of type-A personality within you. Make it happen! Whether that is sending a scary cliff, talking to someone across the room, getting off your couch to go do an activity, it really does not matter what it is so long as you commit!

Don’t sweat the little things! - Pinkie swear
-          Life is full, not everything is equally important. Let some things slide, capitalize on the more important moments, tasks, people, etc. Not everything is going to go perfectly, so expect that it won’t.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for granting our request Silas! This is perfect. Also, your skis? Sir Francis Bacon? You are something special.
